Terms & Conditions

- These Terms & Conditions are revised and effective as of 17th August 2019. I expressly reserve the right to change these Terms & Conditions from time to time without notice to you. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this site and these Terms & Conditions from time to time and to familiarise yourself with any modifications.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will confirm the details of the services to be performed for the client and the fees that will be charged in a Letter of Engagement, which must be signed by the client and returned to BookSmart Accountancy Solutions before commencement of any work. By signing the Letter of Engagement, the client will also accept these general terms and conditions.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions is licensed under the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017, and will conduct the necessary Due Diligence to confirm the identity of the client before commencement of any work. For long term assignments, the Due Diligence will be repeated at each anniversary of commencement of the work. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will keep copies of all documents relating to the client’s identity for the duration of the contract and a further 6 years after termination of the agreement. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions may be audited under the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and, if so, will be required to make the Due Diligence records, including the documents relating to the client’s identity, available to the auditor.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will maintain the highest standards of professional endeavour, integrity, confidentiality and personal conduct and will not disclose any client information to any person or company (other than necessary government agencies) unless instructed to do so by the client.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions relies on information from you (the client) to be accurate and true. All paperwork and figures supplied by you are deemed to be correct and will be accepted by BookSmart Accountancy Solutions as such. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will not accept responsibility for any errors or omissions arising from these figures.
- In the unlikely event of any errors or omissions caused by BookSmart Accountancy Solutions, I will make the necessary revisions or corrections free of charge. If, however, errors or omissions are made because the client has supplied incomplete or incorrect information, any necessary revisions or corrections will be charged at my standard hourly rate quoted in the Letter of Engagement.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will keep copies of the client’s accounts on my computer hard drive and on a password protected external back-up. Certain documents may be kept in paper form in a locked cabinet. I will back up the client’s accounts at the end of each day and will keep the last three back-ups. I will retain the final back-up copy for 6 years following completion of the work or termination of the agreement, and will then securely destroy it.
- Where BookSmart Accountancy Solutions is engaged to perform regular, periodic bookkeeping services I will keep copies of:
- any files provided by the client on commencement of the work;
- the accounts at the start of each period, before any transactions are entered;
- the accounts at the end of each period, after all transactions for the period have been recorded.
- Where BookSmart Accountancy Solutions performs one-off services (e.g. bringing accounts up to date to enable the client to maintain them going forward) I will keep copies of:
- the files provided by the client on commencement of the work;
- the accounts as at completion of the work.
- Where BookSmart Accountancy Solutions performs the one-off service that is a tax return compilation and submission to HMRC, I will not submit any data to HMRC until full payment has been made and the Agreement has been signed. Any penalties arising from this action will be the sole responsibility of you (the Client).
- The timescales for completion of the work will be laid out in the Letter of Engagement. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions reserves the right to alter any agreed timescale as a result of exceptional unforeseen circumstances or problems not within my control. I will notify the client as soon as any such circumstances become apparent and will use reasonable endeavours to arrange an acceptable revised timescale.
- The price for the work and the applicable hourly rates will be laid out in the Letter of Engagement. Unless otherwise stated in the Letter of Engagement, the price and/or hourly rates will not include travelling expenses for journeys of more than 10 miles, postage, or sundry expenses incurred in the course of the work.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions reviews its standard hourly rates annually from the date of commencement of work. I will notify all clients in writing in advance any price change that may be applicable to their work, and will apply such changes to invoices issued for work done from the following month.
- Unless otherwise stated in the Letter of Engagement, BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will make the following charges for travelling expenses:
- the first 10 miles of any journey by car will not be chargeable;
- journeys by car will be charged at 45p per mile after the first 10 miles;
- journeys by public transport outside of the Borehamwood area will be charged at cost (rail travel will be by standard class);
- bridge/tunnel tolls will be charged at cost.
- Any postage, stationery or sundry items purchased on behalf of the client will be charged at cost.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions may, during the course of the work, be required to purchase software, equipment or other large items on behalf of the client. The charges to be made for any such items will be detailed in the Letter of Engagement.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions is not registered for VAT
- Unless otherwise stated in the Letter of Engagement, BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will issue invoices either on completion of the work for one-off assignments, at the end of each period update, or monthly on the last working day of the month for long term assignments. Where BookSmart Accountancy Solutions is required to purchase software, equipment or other large items on behalf of the client I will issue the invoice to the client immediately upon ordering the items.
- Payment is due within 14 days of the invoice date (tax point) unless otherwise stated in the letter of engagement or on the invoice itself.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will accept payments by cash, business cheque, bank transfer, PayPal or standing order/direct debit. Where a client wishes to make regular payments by business cheque these will incur a handling charge of £2.50 per cheque.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions has the right to refuse work at the owner’s discretion.
- The client has the right to cancel the work with no charge up to 24 hours prior to commencement, subject to conditions.
- Where BookSmart Accountancy Solutions has incurred costs in purchasing items on behalf of the client for use in performing the work and the client cancels the work prior to commencement, BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will invoice the client for the full cost of any such items. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will deliver the items to the client upon payment of the invoice.
- Where the client cancels the work less than 24 hours prior to commencement, they will be liable for a cancellation charge of 25% of the fee agreed in the Letter of Engagement.
- For long term assignments the agreement between BookSmart Accountancy Solutions and the client may be terminated by either party giving written notice of termination to the other in accordance with the Letter of Engagement.
- In the event of termination of the agreement, for whatever reason, the client will be responsible for paying all fees due to BookSmart Accountancy Solutions, including costs, expenses and disbursements incurred by BookSmart Accountancy Solutions on behalf of the client up to and including any notice period.
- Subject to the above, BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will co-operate as far as practicable to ensure that any work in progress is transferred to the client.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions asserts its rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The copyright on any material developed specifically for the client as part of the agreement will be transferred to the client on payment of the applicable invoice.
- BookSmart Accountancy Solutions uses modern equipment, and up to date software including industry standard virus scanning software. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will not be held liable for loss or damage caused to client data as a result of computer viruses that go undetected by the virus scanning software.
- Where it is necessary to post items relating to the work to the client or a third party, BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will use a tracked and signed for service. I recommend that the client uses a similar service when posting any items to BookSmart Accountancy Solutions. BookSmart Accountancy Solutions will not be held liable for loss, damage or theft of any items sent to the client whilst they are going through the postal service.
- This site may link you to other sites on the Internet or otherwise include references to information, documents, software, materials and/or services provided by other parties. These sites may contain information or material that some people may find inappropriate or offensive. These other sites and parties are not under my control, and you acknowledge that I am not responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of such sites, nor am I responsible for errors or omissions in any references to other parties or their products and services. The inclusion of such a link or reference is provided merely as a convenience and does not imply endorsement of, or association with, the site or party by me, or any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.
- In addition to any excuse provided by applicable law, I shall be excused from liability for non-delivery or delay in delivery of products and services available through my site arising from any event beyond my reasonable control, whether or not foreseeable by either party, including but not limited to, labour disturbance, war, fire, accident, adverse weather, inability to secure transportation, governmental act or regulation, and other causes or events beyond my reasonable control, whether or not similar to those which are enumerated above.
- Except as explicitly noted on this site, the services available through this site are offered by BookSmart Accountancy Solutions located at
1 Broughinge Road,
Herts. WD6 5AH.
My telephone number is 07804 733516.
If you notice that anyone is violating these Terms of Use, please contact me at info@booksmart.co